Diane Martinez

Diane Martinez is the current Professional Development Nurse Educator for Providence Health Systems, and a clinical instructor for Washington State University. She holds eleven years of nursing experience and is a native speaker of Spanish with a certification in medical interpreting. She graduated from the University of Providence with a master’s in nursing education in Spring of 2022. Diane is currently enrolled in a Doctoral program with a focus on Education in Organizational Leadership emphasizing healthcare. The intended topic of her dissertation development will focus on undocumented migrants in healthcare leadership and their social determinants of health. She has three children, the youngest is a second-year student and hoping to go into healthcare, the middle one is almost 5-month-old, and the oldest is in a medical assistant program. She enjoys going outdoors with her husband and likes to do trail running. She just finished her second mountain bike triathlon this summer and is currently training for a third.

Headshot of Diane smiling
Major: Romance Languages
Graduated: 1994