Genevieve Slaton

Genevieve Slaton is a University of Oregon graduate who studied Chinese language and Global Health. During her time in college, she participated in the Chinese flagship program, lived on the Chinese floor in Global Scholars hall, presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium discussing Uyghur Muslims and concentration camps in China, and was one of the co-directors of the Native American Student Union. She studied abroad in Yunnan, China for 3 months learning Chinese medicine and community health. She interned at People Of Community Acupuncture, a nonprofit organization that advocates for affordable and accessible acupuncture care. Her dream ever since she was 14 years old, was to become a Chinese medicine doctor. Today, she is currently pursuing her Masters in Classical Chinese Medicine in Portland, OR. Post graduation, she plans to work closely with doctors in China, and later set up her own clinic in the United States. Her philosophy is to always believe you can do the impossible because your passion, willpower, and self-confidence can take you to great places.

Portrait of Genevieve at graduation
Major: Chinese, Global Health
Graduated: 2022