Greg Brooks-English

Greg smiling in suit at desk
Graduation Year
International Studies, Education/TESOL

Greg Brooks-English, a global citizen and veteran international traveler, taught in South Korea as an Assistant Professor in the College of English at Yonsei University (the oldest and largest Christian university) for 12 years, and 5 years at Dongguk University (the oldest and largest Buddhist university). He is a longtime meditator, and practitioner of nonviolent communication (as taught by Marshall B. Rosenberg), and climate change activist obsessed with disruptive decarbonization technologies. He aims to bring the most cutting-edge social and engineering skillsets together to build an ecological civilization. Born in Portland, Oregon, he now lives in Ithaca, New York at one of the world’s most famous cohousing communities, The Ithaca EcoVillage, attempting to reinvent himself after returning from East Asia in 2022. Living in a PassiveHouse, driving a hybrid vehicle, and holding shares in Tesla and other disruptive companies, he is passionate about forging a balance among Indigenous peoples' values, mindfulness, and modern technology.
