Jared Maier is the CEO and Principal of Lexis Language Center, an international school alternative in Tokyo, Japan. After moving to Japan in 2010, he has focused deeply on education and business. Witnessing the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima #2 Nuclear Power Plant meltdown in 2011, he recommitted to education, contributing locally to rebuilding efforts. Since 2018, Jared's leadership at Lexis has helped hundreds of students achieve their dreams of studying abroad, working internationally, and developing a global mindset. Accomplishments: Introduced international-style debate in rural high schools in Nagano, Japan, helping students earn university scholarships. Led the junior high school English program at Fujimura Junior High School. Promoted to director of Lexis Language Center in 2018. Became CEO of Lexis in 2022. Helped hundreds of students prepare to study abroad. Acted as an official advisor to an international EdTech business. Earned a Certificate of School Leadership and Management from Harvard Business School Online in 2024.